Monday, 28 November 2011

Thriller Genre

Fast & Furious 5 Trailer

Length: 2:30

Shots: Establishing shot (of Rio), close up, mid shot, long shot, long shot, mid shot, long shot, long shot tracking shot, mid two shot, mid two shot, long shot moving to mid shot, mid panning two shot, wide shot, two shot, over-shoulder shot, two shot, close up, master shot, high angle, low angle, eye level (most used angle), crane shot.

Codes & Conventions: Explosions. fast editing, lots of close-ups to show facial expressions and objects in question, lots of tracking shots, lots of panning shots, aggresion, near-impossible goal being attempted, intimidating characters, exotic locations.

The Rum Diary Trailer

Length: 2:30

Shots: long shot, close up (commonly used for characters and objects), cran shot & panning shot, mid shot, wide shot, long shot, two shot, eye level angle (most used angle), close up, tracking shot, low angle, high angle, master shot.

Codes & Conventions: Crowds, confusion, typical fashion and technology of it's time (1950s), exotic locations, fast editing, dangerous wealthy figure as villain?, lots of two shots & close ups.

Monday, 7 November 2011


(Tick your answers in the space provided)
1.       What genre of film is your favourite?
Action        _____
Comedy     _____
Horror        _____
Thriller       _____
Romance   _____
Sci-fi           _____

2.       Why do you go to the cinema?
To be entertained       _____
To escape                       _____
To be frightened         _____
Nothing better to do  _____
For a social activity     _____

3.       Who is your favourite director?
Tim Burton               _____
Steven Spielberg     _____
Quentin Tarantino  _____
Peter Jackson           _____
David Lynch               _____
James Cameron       _____
Michael Moore        _____

4.       If you see a film poster, what is most likely to draw you in?
Famous actors                                                                     _____
Award certificates                                                             _____
Interesting codes and conventions in the poster  _____
Famous directors                                                               _____
The name of the film                                                       _____

5.       What gender are you?
Male                     ____
Female                 ____

6.       How often do you go to the cinema?
Never                             ____
1 – 3 times a month   ____
4 – 7 times a month   ____
8 -15 times a month   ____
16+ times a month     ____

7.       What do you prefer to see in the ending?
The hero wins                                                                   ____
The villain wins                                                                ____
Nobody wins                                                                     ____    
Every character is killed                                                                ____
Few characters survive                                                 ____
All the problems for a character are solved         ____
The character(s) are left with problems                                ____
A cliff hanger leading to a possible sequel          ____

8.       How old are you?
Under 15             _____
15 – 19                  _____
20 – 24                  _____
25+                         _____

9.       What do you enjoy about Thriller films?