Monday 12 March 2012

Launching Your Film

Where will you hold the premier of your film?
I will hold the premier of my film in the London iMax Cinema, relevent to run alongside other action/thriller films.
Who will you invite to the premier?
To the premier of my film I will invite action/thriller related actors such as Vin Diesel and Jason Statham, these stars would appeal to my target audience and guarantee maximum publicity for the film.
Where will you advertise your film?
For this film I will market on the internet, putting banners on websites such as Facebook and YouTube. I will also market the advertisement on billboards throughout London, I'll have the film trailer played in cinemas and a shorter version for television between programmes related to the genre.
Have you run a teaser campaign in build up to the release?
The teaser campaign I ran consisted of small teaser posters and trailers featured on television, lasting around 5 seconds just labelling "Would you cross your family?" and a short clip from the trailer.

Monday 5 March 2012

Family Fued - Feedback

Everyone who assessed my trailer felt that it was successful, that it contained codes and conventions of the appropriate genre and they also all thought it would sit comfortably alongside other trailers for the certificate (15).
Everyone said that it appeals to my target audience through my use of tension building, creativity and humorous use of Lego instead of real people.
Overall it was agreed that my use of font, images, wording, taglines and colours was effective, though i could've used brighter colours and a 'less mainstream' font.
Although I received many good points for my trailer, it was agreed that I should've revealed the storyline a bit more, give more detail to my lighting and use of sets, and sharper edits.

Monday 23 January 2012


Today I am going to do some thorough planning for filming my Lego stop animation film 'Family Fued', I will use the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer 'Mind Heist' for a dramatic effect on this. I plan to do fast cutting edits and crossfades, with titles of text to give rhetoricle questions to the audience.